Current Updates to Permitted Development Rights

9th September 2020

Following our recent announcement on permitted development rights, the government have released the following additions to the legislation.

Additional storeys on purpose-built blocks of flats
Subject to the prior approval system, this change allows the construction of up to two additional storeys, subject to:

  • Traffic & Highways Impacts
  • Air traffic Impact
  • Contamination
  • Flood Risk
  • Buildings External Appearance
  • Natural Light
  • Impacts on Existing Amenity
  • Privacy and Loss of Light
  • Impact on protected Views

These new rights will only apply to purpose built, detached blocks of flats with following limitations

  • The Extended Building must not be greater than 30m
  • The Height of the Extended Roof must not be more than 7m higher than the highest part of the existing roof

Additional storeys to dwellings
Subject to prior approval, this change will allow existing houses to be extended by an additional two storeys.  There is a maximum height limit set at 18m, however, where the existing house is part of a terrace, it cannot be greater than 3.5m taller than the next height house in the terrace.

The rights only apply in the following circumstances:

  • Houses must have been constructed between 1st July 1948 and 28th October 2018
  • Changes do not apply within Conservation Areas

The prior approval will deal with:

  • Impact on neighbour amenity
  • External appearance
  • Impact on air traffic

Demolition of Vacant Free-Standing Buildings
The creation of a new class ZA will allow for the demolition of vacant free-standing buildings, and the replacement with a single purpose-built block of flats, or a single detached house, subject to Prior Approval.

The new building can be:

  • Up to 7m higher than the demolished building
  • Provide an additional 2 Storeys then the demolished building
  • Maximum of 18m in Height

The new class does not allow for a building to be demolished without its replacement, and must be completed within 3 years of the grant of prior approval

There are considerable stipulations to meet with such proposals, which include:

  • Not within a conversation area, or within the curtilage of a listed building
  • The existing building must have been constructed prior to 31st December 1989
  • The Footprint of the existing building must not be greater than 1000m2
  • The existing building must have been vacant for at least 6 months immediately before the date of the application

LPA’s will consider the prior approval against the usual matters including:

  • Transport and Highways
  • Design
  • Flood Risk
  • Noise Impacts
  • Natural Light
  • Impact on existing amenity

Other requirements such as Heritage and Archaeology statements may be required.

How can we help?

The Frankham Consultancy Group are a team of measured building surveyors, architects, building surveyors, town planning consultants and development consultants who can undertake all aspects of the required work in a holistic and managed solution. We are also able to advise further on the ability to extend and enhance the existing building to extract the optimum asset value.

For more expert advice, get in touch with Oliver Morse, Director of Frankham Projects, to learn more:

Oliver Morse
Frankham Projects
T:  020 8309 2678
M: 07949 091 804